The UCCE San Benito County office is Temporarily Closed due to the COVID-19 virus. The office closure may be extended as new guidance from UC becomes available. Please check back for updates.
Many national, state and local agencies have been implementing various measures to reduce the rate and risk of community spread of COVID-19. Starting March 16, all UCCE functions, events, activities, meetings, etc. will either be postponed, canceled or moved to Zoom, and all employees will be working remotely. This directive also includes all volunteer-led youth or adult programming, meetings, or gatherings. Check back for updates. We will continue to serve San Benito County by email and Zoom meetings/phone calls. While 4-H clubs and the 4-H council will not be meeting in person during this time, we will find ways for 4-H activities to continue remotely.
Please email our staff with any questions.
4-H Program: Julie Katawicz - jkatawicz@ucanr.edu
2个或多个路由器有线连接怎么设置-百度经验:2021-6-7 · 2个或多个路由器有线连接怎么设置,路由器桥接(WDS),就是通过有线或无线将多个路由器连接到第一台路由器上,使用第一台路由器的网络上网。写在前面的话:很多同学在问在说第二台能否连上问题,实际上WDS桥接的目的就是要让第二台或第 ...
Administrative Issues: Jennifer Gomer - jkgomer@ucanr.edu
San Benito County
Cooperative Extension
3228 Southside Road
Hollister, CA 95023
Phone: (831) 637-5346
Fax: (831) 637-7111
Office Hours
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Additional hours by appointment
County Director:
Devii Rao
Event Name | Date |
春节活动_国服及主机加速_免费公测_腾讯网游加速器 - QQ:2021-1-25 · 腾讯网游加速器春节活动,登录国服及主机加速公测客户端,免费体验英雄联盟、地下城与勇士、穿越火线及主机游戏加速,参与活动抽奖赢10万Q币,冰雪节全套皮肤,游戏主机大奖! | 8/6/2023 |
Livestock & Range Blog
2345网址导航下载_2345网址导航手机版_最新2345网址导航 ...:2021-12-23 · 2345网址导航,新一伋手机上网神器!【热门新闻】 热点新闻抢先推送,全网资讯一触即达。用2345看新闻,就是这么爽!【视频神器】 独有影院模式,高清视频想看就看。
By Devii R. Rao
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Job Opportunity in Carmel: Grazing Program Technician
Santa Lucia Conservancy manages 18,000 acres of rangeland in Carmel. They are hiring a full-time Grazing Program Technician. The hourly rate is between $21 and $23/hour, depending on experience. Comprehensive benefits will be offered, including health,...
By Devii R. Rao
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Facility Use Requests
UCCE Conference Room Reservation Requests: http://ucanr.edu/u.cfm?id=125
Bolado Park Reservation Requests: http://ucanr.edu/u.cfm?id=123
Veterans Memorial Building Reservation Requests: http://ucanr.edu/u.cfm?id=124